Wednesday, 14 December 2016

            Top 10 SAP PM interview questions and answers

1.What are the activities of a SAP PM?

The SAP PM consists of the following activities such as preventive measures to maintain and measure the ideal situation of a technical system, to establish and measure the actual condition of a technical system, repairs to restore and measures the ideal situation of the technical system and other steps that need to be taken using the maintenance organization. The SAP PM is closely combined with other programs such as production, controlling, Sales and Distribution, personnel management and material management. The data is kept current always and the processes which are mandatory for Customer Service and Plant Maintenance are triggered accordingly in other fields consider the example, a purchase requisition for non-stock material in the purchasing area or materials management.

2.What is a Milestone Confirmation?

The Milestone Confirmation is nothing but an advanced form of confirmation, in this the confirmation of one operation causes other operations to be confirmed automatically at the same time. In the control key of Milestone operation, there is an indicator. If the milestone operation is confirmed, the other operations that are performed previously get confirmed automatically.

3.Where does the cost of CAPEX order get settled?

The cost of CAPEX gets settled on the WBS elements.

4.What do you mean by single cycle plan? How it works?

The single cycle plan is either time based or performance based, but here it is not needed to maintain the strategy. For specific object, with the help of T-code IP41, we can create maint. plan by entering the main. Category.

5.What is the use of the field “Standing order”?

The Standing orders are used to perform current maintenance jobs and help to settle them at the end of the month instead of creating a fresh PM order every time. You can attach sub-orders to the standing orders by using order hierarchies and can settle them to the standing order to bring you the more precise recording of maint costs at the level of sub-order and the budget monitoring at the level of standing order.

6.Which task lists are object based?

The Functional Location task Lists and the Equipment tasks Lists are object based, as they are created with reference to a technical object.

7.What is Work Center Category?

The Work Center Category basically defines the ability or the capacity to do the work.It is used to define which field selection and screen selection for a particular work center.The category determines the scheduling the categories and the activity type for costing that come across in the production are machine and labor. In order to describe the machine cost, setup cost and the labor cost, we maintain Work Center Category to build Work center and we can enter defaults. If there are many changes for a period of time in the production, we prefer activity type for individual order, which is known as production order and if there are not many changes, we prefer generally production line. By this it is easy to understand that cat type 001 for machine and cat type for labor.

8.What is refurbishment order? Explain the total cycle?

The refurbishment order is used for up gradation of detective spare parts or damaged parts and are segregated as a condition based. Example- C1, C2 and C3.

The cycle is explained below:

Firstly create refurbishment order- then withdrawal of spare parts from store- execution of refurbishment- confirmation of order completion-the refurbished parts back to store- goods receipt for returning.

9.What is the use of item number in maintenance order?

The item number is the number that is used to identify the material component to perform operations in the maintenance order. In the components tab of a maintenance order, it is the first field and it is generally defined in increments of 0010.

10.Where is a service contract is assigned to a piece of equipment?

The service contract is assigned to a material. In the Equipment master, the Material is assigned to the equipment. This functionality is not designated for managing equipment that is bought from vendors, where we are getting service instead of providing services.